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Chicken Salad Recipe

CHicken Salad

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This is an easy and quick way to make chicken salad. It’s also a very adaptable recipe so you can add in other flavors such as curry, celery, apple, grapes, or cranberries to suit your preferences.



2 Cups Shredded Chicken
1/2 Yellow Onion, small dice
1/2 Tbsp Garlic Powder
1/8 tsp Cayenne
1 tsp Paprika
1 stem Tarragon, remove and finely chop leaves (feel free to remove completely, or substitute with any type of herb you have – thyme, basil, sage, oregano, etc.)
3 Tbsp Mayonnaise
1 ea Lemon Juice and Zest – optional. If you would like to substitute use 1.5 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar
Salt & Pepper
Spinach or other greens (optional)


Begin by dicing the yellow onion and placing it in a medium-sized clean bowl.

Add the garlic powder, cayenne pepper, paprika, finely chopped tarragon (or your chosen herb), mayonnaise, salt, and pepper to the bowl with the onion. If you prefer a hint of zesty freshness, include the juice and zest of 1 lemon; otherwise, substitute with apple cider vinegar for a delightful tang.

Mix the ingredients together until well combined.

Gently fold in half of the shredded chicken, ensuring it’s thoroughly coated with the flavorful dressing. Follow with the remaining chicken, continuing to mix until everything is well incorporated. Adjust the consistency with more mayonnaise, or season with additional salt and pepper if needed.

When serving, consider a final touch of paprika sprinkled atop the salad for a burst of color and an extra layer of flavor.

If making a sandwich, first butter and toast bread, then top with spinach and the chicken salad. If making a salad, I like to have spinach as a base and top the salad on top of that. Any type of lettuce works.

Keywords: Chicken Salad, Easy Lunch, Quick Lunch, Easy Meals, Lunch

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